Our Parent Group is a partnership among parents, teachers, and staff, for the purpose of enriching and enhancing the experience of our children at Amana.
Throughout the year, we host events and activities that focus on building community, increasing school spirit, and encouraging parental contribution to student learning.
Major events are World Day (formerly called International Festival); Grandparents Day in the fall, and the Scholastic Book Fair in the spring. Events are published on the school calendar and announced in the Eagle Weekly Updates.
Amana’s Parent Group is a volunteer-run organization. We could not succeed without the dedicated support of Amana PTO and our families! If you are interested in getting involved, send an email to amanaparents2@gmail.com.
Our children soar when we work together!
PTO Parent Resources
Natasha Thompkins, Co-President
Néma Jackson Roberts, Co-President
Jenneca Dixon, Secretary
Cinthya Savoy, Treasurer
We’d love for you to lead one of the open committees, or get involved with one that already has a lead. Tell us where your strengths lie, and we’ll connect you. We know that when parents get involved in their childs’ school, all children benefit. At Amana, We are Crew, and we know that it takes a village to be truly successful.
Spring Volunteer Sign-ups Coming Soon!
Scholastic Book Fair / Fundraising:
Parent Advocacy Group:
8th Grade Graduation:
KG Graduation:
5th Grade Transition Celebration:
Volunteer Coordinator:
Nominating Committee Lead: