Celebrations of Learning are more than a display of student work. They compel students to reflect on and articulate what they have learned, how they learned, questions they answered, research they conducted, and areas of strengths and struggles. 


Steps to Enjoy Your Child’s Celebration of Learning Presentation: 

We encourage you to sit down with child and look through their grade’s Celebration of Learning presentations together.

STEP 1: Click on the icon below that correlates to your child’s grade to view the Google Slides presentation. Take a look through all the videos- you’ll spot your child’s classmates presenting as well! 

STEP 2: Once you reach the last slide of the presentation, click on your FlipGrid link correlating to your child’s homeroom. 

STEP 3: Leave some words of appreciation or praise (for your child, directed to other students, or to parents), commenting on the quality or depth of work seen at Celebrations of Learning here: https://padlet.com/somar5/5brlqfdvsxr3fr8y

STEP 4: Finally, do a walk-and-talk with your child. What did they learn the most this year? How did they grow and change? What are they most proud of having accomplished this year?