When students are engaged in learning that is meaningful, joyful, and challenging, they flourish.
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I eligible to attend Amana Academy?
Students in grades K-8 are eligible to enroll at Amana Academy if:
- You currently reside in the Fulton County School District (2 proofs of residency required).
- Your child is five years of age by September 1 to attend kindergarten, or age six by September 1 to attend first grade (per GA state law).
Amana Academy is open to all students who are eligible to attend Fulton County Public Schools during the specified open enrollment period without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, disabling condition, or English proficiency.
How do I know if my address falls within the required boundaries to attend Amana Academy?
Search your address in the school locator. If a school comes up, you reside within the Fulton County School District.
When is the open enrollment period for Amana Academy?
For the 2025-2026 School Year, the open enrollment period is December 9, 2024 through January 31, 2025, for admission August 2025.
Is there a lottery? How does the lottery process work?
Yes. The lottery is held in February if applications exceed available seats, which is usually the case. Applicants that apply during open enrollment in January are included in the lottery. Anyone that applies after that is added to the waitlist by based on the date and time of application.
What transportation options does Amana have? Do you offer bus service?
Amana has two buses that go to Roswell and Alpharetta, however, space is limited. For families interested in riding the bus, they must fill out a form to participate in a lottery, which generally occurs the first week of school. Most families provide their own transportation.
Do you admit students during the school year?
Amana Academy only admits students during the first 10 days of each semester in August and January, if seats are available. Seats are offered according to waitlist position.
If my child is not admitted, do I need to re-apply each year?
Yes. Waitlists do not carry over from year to year so you would need to re-apply in January.
How much is the tuition here?
Amana is a public school, so there is NO tuition!
Do the students have to wear uniforms?
Yes, uniforms are an important part of our Social Curriculum. At Amana Academy, we recognize that there is a strong, positive correlation between appropriate attire, good work habits and good character. When dress and appearance are characterized by cleanliness, neatness, modesty and safety, children generally have a more positive attitude toward themselves and those around them. Amana Academy believes that a dress code and/or a policy of wearing uniforms will address issues related to the health, safety and welfare of the students and the maintenance of an ethical learning environment.
As a parent, am I required to volunteer at Amana? How can I get involved?
In line with Amana’s commitment to high achievement, active learning, character growth and teamwork, Amana parents are encouraged to be fully invested in their child’s leaning environment through volunteering. What better way is there for parents to teach character, teamwork, and responsibility to our children than by modeling it for them? As such, we ask that each parent volunteer a minimum of 10 hours per school year (10 hours per single-parent household, 20 hours for two-parent households) as per our charter.
Does the Amana school calendar follow that of Fulton County Schools?
For the most part Amana’s calendar does align with Fulton County’s with a few exceptions. We have the same instructional days and the same start day. However, in order to optimize our delivery of the Expeditionary Learning approach, we have added a few teacher workdays at various times in the year, which results in slightly different winter break dates and the last day of school being two days later than other Fulton schools. To view our calendar, please click on Quick Links for a downloadable pdf file.
When does the day start and end for students?
Monday – Thursday 7:50 AM – 3:25 PM & Friday 7:50 AM – 1:00 PM (we do early dismissals on Friday’s to give staff an opportunity for Professional Development).
Do you offer a lunch program?
Yes, we offer hot lunches every day. We also address special dietary needs.
Does Amana offer religious instruction?
No- some folks mistakenly think that because we offer Arabic (the 5th most popular language in the world) as a foreign language, there is a tie to religion. However, we are public school that is attended by a diverse student body and and adheres to applicable norms and laws. Students do, however, study world religions to meet objectives set in the Georgia Social Studies Standards.
How many students attend Amana, and what grades does Amana go to?
Approximately 750 students attend Amana. We offer Kindergarten to 8th grade.
Does Amana have a TAG program?
Yes, we do have a Talented & Gifted program managed by an experienced consultant . It differs from other schools in that Amana uses a ‘collaborative model’ for TAG, which aligns well with the school’s Expeditionary Learning approach.