2023-24 Lottery Results
Amana Academy’s 2023-24 Lottery took place on Wednesday, February 8th at 10:00 AM.
Please note that only applicants whose applications were received during our open enrollment period (January 1-31, 2023) were included in the lottery. Anyone that applied after will be processed after the lottery. Applications will continue to be accepted after the lottery.
- The list is sorted by Grade, then Student Last Name, First Name, using the first 3 letters of the student’s last name, and the first initial of the first name
- The signup email of the parent is included (partially blocked), for those rare instances of John Smith and Joseph Smith, where they would both be SMIJ, the Application ID is available, but the parent can also scroll over and see their email.
- This list reflects the results of the lottery only – it will not be updated as time goes on. If your child is on the waitlist, please stay tuned to your emails and SMS messages for waitlist updates – they will not be posted to our website.