Vision Statement

The Amana Academy culture and character program provides an integrated and multilayered approach to fostering and celebrating the development of intellect and ethical character for all community members. The goal is to cultivate lifelong learners who value stewardship, advocacy, and service.


Find Amana Academy’s Culture & Character Handbook Here

Amana’s High Five Habits

High Five Student Learning Target Connections to Design Principles
Respect I can be respectful when collaborating and competing with
my peers.

Collaboration and Competition
Natural World

Responsibility I can take responsibility for my success as a learner.

Responsibility for Learning
Solitude and Reflection

Courage I can be a courageous steward for the community and advocate for
what is right.

Diversity and Inclusion
Having of Wonderful Ideas

Compassion I can practice compassion through empathy and caring for myself and others.

Service and Compassion
Empathy and Caring

Perseverance I can persevere to produce high-quality work that demonstrates high achievement.

Success and Failure
Self Discovery