Amana Students Continue to Outperform their Peers at Traditional District Schools
The Georgia Department of Education released the 2023-2024 Georgia Milestones End of Grade (EOG) and End of Course (EOC) scores for English Language Arts (ELA), Social Studies and Science on Tuesday, July 26, and the news for Amana Academy Charter Schools was good!
Amana Academy North Fulton
At our North Fulton Campus, 7th grade students taking the High School Biology End of Course Assessment had the best performance of any school in the county with 96% of students scoring proficient and above (43 percentage points higher than the county average and 52 percentage points higher than the state average). Fulton County reported a 1% decline in their High School Biology proficient and distinguished rates from school year (SY) 23 to SY24, where Amana saw a 30% increase in that same period. Statewide, Amana was among the top 2% of schools for proficiency in High School Biology.
Also in North Fulton, students in grades 4-8 outperformed their peers in Fulton County, with a higher percentage of students scoring proficient and above on the English Language Arts (ELA) End of Grade Assessment (an average of 12 points higher across all five grades). On average, students in those cohorts maintained or exceeded their SY23 proficiency rates.
The 23-24 school year was only Amana West’s second year of operation, serving grades K-4, but you wouldn’t know it by how well Amana West students did, outperforming their peers in Cobb County, Fulton County, and the State on the ELA End of Grade Assessment. 61% of Amana West 3rd and 4th graders scored proficient and above compared to 47% in Cobb, 51% in Fulton, 35% in APS and 38% across the state of Georgia.
In the critical area of 3rd grade reading proficiency, 84% of 3rd graders at Amana West ended the year reading on or above grade level, compared to 73% in both Cobb and Fulton and 58% in Atlanta Public Schools.
The state is still analyzing Math scores, and those will be released later this year, as will individual student results.